(psst... and not owned by your competition!)


With Local PBM Services, You Can...
utilize a preferred local network of pharmacies for same-day service, thus ensuring that the majority of your medication dollars are spent within the communities you serve
purchase medications at the deepest discounts available to hospices—you pay a pass-through of what we pay the pharmacy
choose medication delivery via local courier or by select local pharmacies, when necessary
utilize mail-order delivery when a patient does not qualify for local delivery or has a specialty medication need


Dragonfly Mail Order
Traditional mail order pharmacy programs DO NOT provide hospices with the formulary flexibility, business transparency, financial creativity, necessary technology or regulatory cushioning to operate effectively. You can choose to use a pharmacy owned and operated by sister company pharmacies to Delta Care Rx OR we can facilitate a mail order option for you by route of the countless network pharmacy relationships we hold throughout the country.


Since our inception, Delta Care has been an e-Prescribing pioneer, proving many advantages of the technology for hospices of all sizes at any location.
With Delta Care’s Hospice-Prescribing, hospices order both controlled and non-controlled medications via an e-Prescribing application built into our Delta e-Tools Suite. The best part? E-Prescribing is INCLUDED when you partner with Delta Care for pharmacy and/or On-Demand Pharmacist Services!

With Hospice-Prescribing™, our hospice clients and their patients:
Receive controlled medications more quickly, resulting in improved symptom management
Experience far fewer medication ordering errors
Experience far fewer drug interactions for patients
Enjoy a much more efficient workflow, allowing team members to spend more time with their patients


On-Demand Pharmacist Services (ODPS) - A Pharmacist In Your Back Pocket™
Every hospice provider can benefit from—and ought to have—a clinical pharmacist available around the clock, 365 days a year.
With our On-Demand Pharmacist Services (ODPS), Delta Care provides 24/7/365 support for clinical decision-making, cost control and quality outcomes. Our team of dedicated hospice pharmacists offers immediate therapeutic consulting with every call. Or your hospice clinicians can obtain the same immediate therapeutic assistance by visiting our online e-Consulting suite.

We are able to assist your hospice team with:
Clinical decision-making
Troubleshooting hard-to-manage symptoms
Formulary design
Cost control
Prospective screening for drug allergies
Drug interactions
Therapeutic duplications​
We also specialize in Rx procurement for inpatients and provide pediatric program support.
Our consult processes are always focused on each patient and adhere to the Conditions of Participation (CoPs).

A Turn-Key Software Suite That Allows Your Organization To
Offer Patients A Self-Branded Telehealth Experience w/Additional Pharmaceutical Care Add-Ons.


Get Started Quickly...
Partner with Delta Care as a hospice, palliative care organization, health system, ACO or payor.
Utilize a powerful suite of telehealth software, electronic prescribing and analytical tools to pinpoint patients or members who are at high risk for re-hospitalization or excessive medical care.
Develop and implement innovative therapeutic and patient engagement practices that enhance outcomes and prevent occurrence of high-cost care. Stay in touch with patients and/or their caregivers 24/7.
Rely on optional pharmacist-provided patient follow-up and medication therapy adherence initiatives that supplement dashboard monitoring of all targeted patients by providers and care teams.
Receive custom alerts for high-risk patients after discharge and through various transitions of care. Gain access to actionable, real-time patient-generated health data perfect for driving future plans of care.

Our Mission is to work with providers and/or payors on the leading edge of serious illness management. In leading the management of complex care, we provide our therapeutic expertise, prescription dispensing options and technological innovation to improve clinical outcomes and effective cost control mechanisms.

Our Team is comprised of healthcare executives, physicians, clinical pharmacists, hospice and palliative care nurses, and information technology professionals.

Our Partners are most commonly hospice, home health and/or palliative care providers whose goal is to partner with health systems, ACOs or similar entities engaged in the delivery of high quality, cost-contained serious illness care.


Working with patients and their caregivers remotely introduces a new set of challenges for intake teams and admit nurses. Ensuring consistent communication/education, obtaining signed consent forms, and collecting documents from patients and family aren’t simple tasks when you’re not all in the same room.

Our Virtual Intake Portal solution simplifies the process for intake, the admit nurse, patients, and their
caregivers. We provide a simple step-by-step experience for patients and caregivers that reduces the stress of admitting to hospice. Admit nurses can help patients through the process online, or complete paperwork on their iPad at the patient’s home. Intake teams use our cloud app from the office or at home to receive paperwork immediately (no waiting on faxes).

Sign consent forms from their mobile phones or computers.
Upload advanced directives, POAs, and MOST forms from their desktop, or simply by scanning the documents with their mobile phone.

Can assist patients online, or complete partially completed forms from their iPad (even while offline).

Receive paperwork immediately and securely. They can even see partially completed forms and finish them for patients.

Analytics offer insight into what’s slowing down the admission process.

Intake team invites patients & caregivers to participate in the admission process, either by email or mobile text message.

Patients & caregivers click a link on the invite to visit a secure website where they learn what to expect as they admit to your hospice.
They can watch videos, read FAQs, and download documentation (such as patient educational handouts) and walk through your consent forms in a large, easy-to-read font.

Patients and caregivers complete forms and sign, as well as upload documents from their desktop or use their mobile phone to scan paperwork.

Consent forms can be finished by admit nurses when they arrive at the patient’s home.
The forms are available on and offline, so nothing prevents admit nurses from completing the admission process.

All activity is tracked and auditable. You can analyze this data to determine conversion rates
as well as identify opportunities to improve the intake process.
In one word... “PDF.”
If you’ve ever tried to open a PDF document on your phone, you know how hard they are to read. We take your consent forms and break them into small, easy-to-digest chunks of information displayed in a large font.
Much more than signatures
Patients and caregivers can upload documents such as POAs and MOST forms from their desktop or phone.
Beyond text
Your patients aren’t just reading the language of the contract. The experience is augmented with video, FAQs, supporting documentation and links.
You don’t have to sift through emails and faxes to gather paperwork from various parties. We collect it all for you in a single folder.
As you add referrals to your EMR, the same patient appears in our system, ready for an invite to be sent. (*Requires Delta Care integration to your EHR)
Your admit nurses can complete paperwork even when disconnected.

TIMELINE: Up and running in 2 days with your admission consent forms (Optional).
For a custom branded experience, with your patient testimonials, agency awards and content, we can white label the site within 30 days (additional cost).




EMR Interfacing: No Hassles,
No Problems, With Delta Care
Most hospice providers ask the same initial questions when considering switching pharmacy benefit managers:
1. Can you interface with our electronic medical record?
2. How painful will the interfacing be, because we have neither the time nor the patience for an endless series of missed deadlines and broken promises?
At Delta Care, we are driven by our pricing model, laser-focused on quality care and relentless in supporting clinicians at the bedside. And the reason we can do all that?
Our hospice-oriented, in-house technology team that puts customer service and ease-of-use first.
We have built interfacing systems for EMRs with a large installed customer base—and a relatively small installed customer base, EMRs built for hospice—and EMRs built for
home health or hospitals and adapted for hospice, EMRs that are merely complex—and EMRs that are practically unmanageable.
Our IT and Customer Service teams share the same goal: Make your EMR interfacing with Delta Care easy, quick, manageable and, if not fun, at least not aggravating.

Easy Medicare Reporting
(CR-8358 & CR-10573)
Delta Care clients benefit from the easy generation of customized reports to manage increasingly complex regulatory demands.
If you need a report, we either have it—or we will build it for you. Quickly and seamlessly.

Save Time...
by avoiding double entry of patient demographics, discharges, transfers and/or medication orders.
Streamline Consultation Procedures...
when utilizing solutions like our On-Demand Pharmacist Services (ODPS).​
Take Control...
over what your hospice pays dispensing pharmacies.


Coupled with the REAL business transparency and pass-through business models that we promote, the use of this powerful suite will allow your organization to understand where all of your medication dollars are going, identify trends in utilization, make use of industry benchmarking, and even enhance quality initiatives.
CR-8358 and Medicare Drug Cost Reporting
Clients of Delta enjoy the necessary data exports for all major electronic medical record (EMR) file formatting and automation processes, as well as further customized report generation needed for the management of growing regulatory requirements. We have adapted quickly in a number of ways via our ability to precisely control every aspect of our state-of-the-art hospice specific pharmacy solution, and the proprietary software that operates it.


Inpatient Innovations™ (optional)
Think of Inpatient Innovations as a remote Delta Care pharmacy that sits in your inpatient unit or hospice house.
Hardware provided to facilitate on-site and on-demand access to most commonly used therapies
Ensured compliance with all federal and applicable state regulations
Fully integrated with the entire suite of Delta Care products and services
Customized workflow options
Unparalleled program delivery and competency


Delta Campus:
Class Is Always In Session
As a genuine partner committed to your growth and success, Delta Care offers no-cost continuing education, ongoing training, valuable clinical tools, access to vital proprietary online reference databases and much more.

Brainy Brunch Webinars
We offer frequent online webinars on pharmacotherapy topics for hospice clinicians. Nurses can obtain 1 CE credit by attending the webinar and then answering questions online regarding the educational activity. There is NO COST for Delta Care CE credits!

Patient Information Leaflets
We provide patient education leaflets specifically written for hospice patients and their caregivers. This includes an explanation of off-label usage for hospice. Authored by Delta Care pharmacists, the patient education leaflets meet QAPI measures required by CMS.

CE Credits Manager & Safekeeping
Rely on Delta Campus to keep track of any CE credits earned through our program. Obtain proof of CEs earned at any time via a single login.

Algorithms for Management of Pain & Symptoms
Delta Care has carefully crafted medication utilization guides to walk you through cost-effective-yet-superior management of common symptoms of end-of-life patients.

Preferred Drug List
The Delta Care PDL is a foundational reference for clinicians in managing symptoms in end-of-life care. Thanks to the aggressive discounts under our Hospice Taper© pricing model, our PDL includes many medications not normally found in traditional PBM formularies. This increases your flexibility in adapting to changing medication coverage regulations and related financial stressors.

Pain & Symptom Management Videos
Your staff members can access Delta Care’s extensive on-demand video library presenting best practices in pharmacotherapy in end-of-life care. The Delta Care video library is perfect both for nurse orientation and annual pharmacy competency refreshers. CE credits are available upon request.


Hospice LIVE™ Brings Provider and Pharmacist Video Consults Directly To The Patient Bedside.

Delta Care’s Hospice LIVE is a convenient telehealth solution that utilizes a secure video connection to bring live physician and/or pharmacist consultations directly to hospice clinicians sitting with patients at the bedside.
Hospice LIVE makes coordination of care for the physician or nurse practitioner simple and effective. It is designed specifically to aid prescribers who may have concerns about caring for patients they may not yet have visited in person, which can represent a particular challenge when hospice patients reside in rural or remotely located areas.
For hospices utilizing Hospice LIVE, hospice patients and their caregivers won’t have to wait for an in-person provider visit before receiving select orders for immediate pain and symptom management. The result is improved patient quality of life and satisfaction. And maximum utilization of hospice staff.

The Next Frontier
Hospice LIVE offers efficient data utilization using a standard high-speed internet connection found by default on smartphones via major cellular carriers or within common
work spaces.
Live video interaction is arguably the next frontier in healthcare technology, extending the benefits of existing solutions to increase efficiency, meet HIPAA compliance guidelines and provide improved access to care for patients and families.
Hospice LIVE is another example of how Delta Care is committed to being so much more than a pharmacy benefit manager to our care partners.


PDM-Pal™ By Delta Care Simplifies Hospice Clinician Participation In Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Requirements
Hospices already taxed with the ever-growing burden of laws and regulations designed to combat the nationwide opioid epidemic now have a friend in Delta Care’s PDM-Pal, an innovative program that assists partner hospices by simplifying their participation in and compliance with newly mandated state-specific Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs).

About PDMPs
A PDMP is an electronic database that tracks controlled substance prescriptions in a particular state. PDMPs can provide state health authorities timely information about prescribing and patient behaviors that contribute to the prescription drug or opioid epidemic. PDMPs continue to be among the most promising state-level interventions to improve opioid prescribing, inform clinical practice and protect patients at risk.

The Delta Care Solution
Accessing PDMP information can be complex and time-consuming for hospices. PDM-Pal arms Delta Care hospice clients with an easy-to-implement program that is
accessed through existing workflow software. PDM-Pal allows for total simplification and streamlining of any state-mandated participation in drug monitoring programs. Clients already using Delta Care’s PDM-Pal report satisfaction in easily meeting the requirements of their state’s PDMP.
PDM-Pal is another example of Delta Care’s ability to innovate and quickly answer any unique pharmacy-related needs of our valued partners with a simple, integrated solution.